Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Numero Tres.

Today is a much better day. Sometimes I just get in these moods where everything sucks, even if it really doesn't, it just seems like it to me. But today was good cause I got my nap. I am such a little child, if the boot fits I guess. I am starting a new thing, I am going to work out every night before I go to bed. I really am going to get skinny, it may take a while, but I will get there.

The boys don't have school the next 2 days so I was thinking about taking them to the Treehouse Museum. I think they would enjoy that. They have been surprisingly good the last couple of days, they really like when I go and play with them, Jaylin is really connecting with me. They say it's not normal for him to make friends because his brain is so different. But I think he is understanding who I am, and I know how to handle him at hard times. I love working with him and teaching him new things. It makes me very excited to be a teacher. He is just on his basic reading and writing, but when he gets something, it makes me feel so good and I can't wait to do that for a living.

Sorry, kinda boring today. Not much on my mind.
ANNNYWAY. I am gonna go try to knit a headband. Such an exciting life I live....

"His eyes calm and distant, his mouth so severe. Though half his age I was, I've never been in love before then.

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