Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Ugly Mouth

I do not know what is wrong with me. I have been so good lately about not crying or getting angry. But here I go, crying every night and snapping at everyone. I honestly don't know what's wrong with me. I am just SO confused right now. I have a great life, I really really do. I think it's a combination of waiting for Christmas and my job. I feel under appreciated. So I guess I am taking it out on everyone. I just feel horrible. I know I will get through this, I'm just hurting right now. I am fine everyone, so family stop calling me and worrying about me. I am fine I promise. Just something I need to get over by myself. I really don't want to talk about it. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for being hard to live with. Just a rough patch.

"My ugly mouth. Damn those words that come out. Don't dare point the finger, don't accept the consequence, it's not my fault.
My Ugly mouth, Turn it all inside out. Wanna tell you I love you, all I'm hearing is monsters saying, "Get out, Get out, Get out."
"Not proud of my temper. Oh no... Don't give up on me. I'm doing better."

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