Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Today my mom came over because we were going to work out. Before and after we went, I showed her how cute Harper was because she hadn't seen her in a week or so. I showed her all her new tricks and toys she liked. My mom then talked to her and tried to make her laugh, which ended up with her pouting her little lip and crying, but then once she saw me she would be fine, which was weird because she sees my mom at least once a week. My mom then text me when she got home and said "Remember when you were wondering what you should do after high school You are supposed to be a mom. You are doing such an amazing job. It tickles me to see how creative you are and patient and ready to learn everything you can. I am proud of you my daughter." That made me smile. I know I am supposed to be a mom. And there is nothing I want more than to be a mom. Some people may judge me or think it's weird that I didn't finish college or have a career, but my job is to be a mom. For now at least, I hope it can stay that way. It is the most rewarding thing for me. It's something I was/am supposed to do and I am so grateful I have the chance to do it. I love making her laugh and finding out new things she likes. I noticed she likes water bottles, so I put glitter and beads in some and she loves it. Just little things like that make me happy. And I will continue to do little things like that. That's my job, to make her happy I love the fact that I can make her happy after she had been crying when my mom held her(such a mean grandma!), or when she gets scared or for any other reason. I love when Daniel is holding her and I walk into the room and she giggles and kicks her legs. She knows I am her mom(she also likes Daniel too but we will talk about him in another blog;)). And I'm happy about that. I am proud to be the one to calm her down. I also take pride in her and I love to show her off, I love taking her places and having people look into her stroller and say how beautiful she is. That somehow sounds cocky, but it shouldn't. Every parent should take pride in their children and show them off! That's why my facebook and phone is full of her :)
So to those who think stay at home moms don't do anything. Yes I do, I make her happy, I keep her alive, I sing to her, I love her, I kiss her, I change her, I feed her, I clean her, I soothe her,(Along with 4093043 things around the house)  I am her life source. This is in no way tooting my own horn and saying how awesome of mom I am or that moms who work are bad. I just want to state that this is what I am supposed to be doing. I am exactly where I am supposed to be...

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you for being such a wonderful mom. I know some moms don't have a choice and have to work. I was happy that I was able to be a stay at home mom. I was able to see my children turn over for the first time, take their first steps, say their first words, and all the other firsts. We didn't have all the things that working parents have but it was my desire to be there with my children and I am so grateful to have been able to do so. I am so happy to know that my first great-grandchild will have her mommy there to see all these mile-stones. Way to go, Katie.
