Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Isn't it nice to know that the lining is silver?

Long time no talk right? Sorry. I get bored and start new projects a lot, then get bored with those then come back to my old one. So no promises on how long I will keep updating this.

Anyway. Life is great. I turned 20. Had a great birthday with my family and Hayley haha. We celebrated Layla's birthday on the Fourth of July. I will post some pics. And also my cousin got married on the first. I feel like a little old maid because she is younger than me and I am here being lonely hah. But no haha I love life!!

I love my family, school, the church, my friends, my everything!! Like I quote everyday of my life, "I laugh often so I suppose I'm gonna be fine." I am so lucky to have the personality I have. I hope that doesn't sound cocky cause it's not supposed to be. I just know so many people that are so pessimistic about life, even if they have a great life, if one thing goes wrong then they hate life... I could never live my life like that. I'm not saying everything is perfect for me because it's not, I guess I just have learned to not sweat the small stuff. Why be depressed when you don't have to? Easier said than done I know.

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