I always sit down and say to myself "I'm going to write a blog tonight!" But then I never do because I realize they would all say the same thing. Today I sat on my butt, watched TV, did nothing special. I'm sure that's not all I would say but what I am saying is I don't do much except spend time with Daniel, and I wouldn't have it any other way! So I am not abondoning my blog, I just simply don't have much going on in my life right now. Here is an update though! Things are all done for the wedding. EVERYTHING! 6 months of stress and tears, finally we can relax and go on vacation!! 20 more days until we go to Texas for 2 and half weeks! I am so ready for a vacation! I think my mom needs one more than me though, she has done 98% of the things for the wedding! I cannot thank her enough for it. I know both of us will have a huge weight lifted off our shoulders when it's all over! My new stress in my life is finding an apartment. Trust me, I have looked at every apartment/condo/house/cardboard box in Orem/Provo area. So today we went to a basement apartment in Orem. It had a fenced backyard and little boxed garden things so you can plant flowers! We just could let ourselves in, so we did. We walked into a HUGE kitchen with so many cubboards and a huge place for a table. Daniel said "I hope that's not the living room!" So we walk into the hallway and to the left there is a bedroom, then in the hall a bathroom, and a laundry room, and a water heater room, then we see the big bedroom with a nice big sliding door closet! Then the HUGE living room with a fireplace. I danced around and ran all around the house. I'm glad it was just me and Daniel there! It was such a great feeling because after looking at every apartment and not liking certain ones for certain reasons, we found this one that had EVERYTHING we loved. It's in Orem, it allows pets, it's 2 bedroom, huge kitchen, nice backyard. So many good things about it. So we called the people immediatly after and told them we wanted it! So she sent us an application and we are giving it to her tomorrow. I don't want to get my hopes up but I feel so good about it. I have been praying about finding a good place that has our needs for so long. I also have been praying for someone to buy my contract that I'm in right now just so I can save a few hundred dollars for July and August. And I have one girl who is really interested in it. I'm so grateful, and I know Heavenly Father is watching out for us! I really REALLY hope we get it because I don't want to keep looking.
So on a completely unrelated note, somethings have been happening in our family that I'm not going to bring up right now, but I heard a song the other day and a line in it made me cry. I am changing a few words.
My heart is breaking for my brother and the con that he called "love"
But when I look into my nephew's eyes,
Man you wouldn't believe, the most
amazing things, that can come from, some terrible nights.
Tears come to my eyes when I hear that, because it's so true. I love my nephew and niece SO MUCH. And I am so grateful to have them in my life! Again, Heavenly Father has blessed me with these little munchkins! I just got REALLY emotional, and really missing all of my nieces and nephews. This post was not supposed to be a sad sappy post about being homesick but it turned out to be! I just looked at a zillion pictures of them so I am going to post them because they are so cute! I love you guys so much!!
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