Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Since I suck at life, I stole this from someone and decided to do it! Maybe on maternity leave when I have energy I will write more :)
How far along? 32 weeks and 3 days!
Size of the baby? A squash. 15.2 to 16.7 in. and 2.5 to 3.8 pounds according to my app, but I go to the doc on Thursday to see exactly how much she weighs.
Weight gain/loss? Why do ya gotta go there? To be fair, I have gained as much as i'm supposed which is 25-35 pounds, but now they say I will gain a pound a week. Great!!
Sleep? It has been EXCELLENT up until about week 30 or so. I wake up every single night and can't go back to sleep, mainly because I have weird dreams, I have a snoring husband, or its freaking hot. I fall asleep so fast because I'm exhausted by 8:30 but then I can't go back to sleep once I wake up :(
Best moment of the week? Everything! I love feeling her move. I had a sad realization that when shes born I won't feel her anymore in there. Which is okay, I will be glad to have her, but I will most those movements.
Symptoms? Just a few but not too bad. Back pain is starting, ribs haven't been hurting as much. I am starving all the time and can eat a horse at each meal. I'm starting to have a hard time getting up and things like that, but nothing to bad right now.
Food cravings/aversions? Not really any cravings, I just can eat a lot. I do like ice cream and sweets though, but nothing to the point of "WE NEED TO GO TO THE STORE AND GET THIS"
Labor signs? I do get cramps, I don't know if they are braxton hicks or what, but it's happened everyday for the last week. They haven't been bad enough to call the doctor, I just think it's my body getting ready.
What I miss? Sleeping. And sleeping on my stomach.
What I am looking forward to? Her to be here!!! I am counting down the sleeps! I'm also excited to go on maternity leave before shes here so I can relax for a little bit. I have a ton of stuff to do! But I can't wait till she's here!!
Nursery? Done. Thanks to my mom, she loves to do that stuff so she has bought literally everything in that room, and thankfully my brothers are done having kids so I got all their left overs! It's all done, so thats a relief!
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