It was a lonely night in October, I was feeling lonely and single. Playing around on facebook, I saw an ad saying come meet cute Mormons. Knowing I wouldn't find anyone, because it was a stupid ad on facebook, I just signed up to boost my ego! Anyway, it made you pay to be able to talk to someone. I got a few free "flirts" as they call it, from some boys. But one boy caught my eye. Daniel Case. He "flirted" with me, and I "flirted" back. All that meant was, I got a notification of who it was from, could look at one picture of them, and a little bit about them, and that's it. Luckily for me, his profile said add him on facebook. So I did a little stalking and creeping, worked my magic, and I found him. I wrote him a message, saying I promise I'm not creepy, explaining where I found him, and then he wrote back saying he was looking for me too! We talked for a few months, he dated people, I dated people, but nothing serious. In February we started talking more and more. Oh, did I mention he lived in Texas, and I was in Utah? We texted a lot the first day, and I went up to my mom and told her I just had a feeling that I would marry him someday. *Pause for cute awes* But I didn't think anything of it, or even believe myself because he lived hundreds of miles away, there was no way this could ever work!
We eventually started texting everyday, and he told me he was thinking of going to school in Utah in August. YAY!!! I was so excited, so then things got a little more serious, now knowing something could happen in the future. We talked on the phone all the time, posted cute things on each other's facebook wall. We even started playing Mario Kart online through the wii, and talking to each other on the phone while playing, trying to make it as legit as possible. He was all that was on my mind, I would never shut up about him. It was ridiculous because I had never met him. But I almost considered him my boyfriend. It sounds so weird saying it, and I know people think we are crazy for having feelings for each other before we met, but I just knew. I finally mentioned him coming up here to go to my friends wedding, he said he will talk to his work, next thing I know he's buying a plane ticket TO UTAH. I was freaking out. Let's just say for about 2 weeks, I didn't eat, and cleaned my entire house. I was freaking out about every possible thing...but the day finally came.
Butterflies in my stomach is an understatement. I had elephants....I was sick to my stomach. What if he doesn't like me? What if he is weird? I'm going to be stuck with him for a week and I won't know what to do. He called me when he got off the plane, he said he was coming down the escalator, I saw him and I kind of.....ran away. I WAS SO SCARED. I have to have someone come with to the grocery store to get milk, I cannot go anywhere alone just because of anxiety, so imagine me. I have talked to this kid online for 5 months or something, and I am all alone in the airport. I was peeing my pants!
I finally go see him, he is so handsome! I told him he looked different and he said "what, am I fatter in real life?" We were both shaking, but we hugged and walked out to my car. He had told me a while back that he knew we were going to kiss in the airport in front of everyone, well we didn't. I'm not going to lie, I was a little worried after we had left because I had thoughts like he didn't like me, didn't want to kiss me, crap I made a big mistake here, he is thinking he made a big mistake, but when we got to my car he leaned in and kissed me. I remember it like it was yesterday. He asked me to be his girlfriend that day, and the rest is history. That day was the best day of my life, up until January 8th 2012. But that's another story. :)
I <3 This! You guys are so cute! :)